A Breakthrough Solution for Longer and Fuller Lashes

LATISSE® can get you the long, full and beautiful eyelashes you always dreamed of, without sticky falsies, expensive mascara or eyelash extensions.

LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment to make inadequate or insufficient eyelashes longer, fuller and darker. The treatment is applied to your upper eyelashes once daily, and within eight weeks, you will see visible results. Maximum results are usually achieved with consistent usage for 16 weeks.


Is LATISSE® the Right Solution for You?

While many of us want longer and fuller lashes, LATISSE® may not be the right choice for all patients. We will evaluate your medical history during your consultation to determine if you are a good candidate. LATISSE® is not recommended if you have an active eye condition, such as an eye infection, or have irritated or broken skin on your eyelid. You also should not use LATISSE® if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding.

What Are the Side Effects of Using LATISSE®?

The most common side effects when using LATISSE® are eye redness and an itching sensation in the eyes. Throughout clinical trials, many of the users who experienced itchy eyes and eye redness found that these irritations went away once they became accustomed to the product or began applying it correctly. LATISSE® may cause other, less common side effects, typically on the skin close to where LATISSE® is used or in the eyes. These include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness of the eyes and redness of the eyelids. It is essential that the product is applied with care, which will be covered during your consultation.

What If I Stop Using LATISSE®?

If you decide you no longer want to use LATISSE®, you will see the results recede within two months after discontinuing use. You should experience no side effects, and your eyelashes should return to their original appearance. Resuming usage of LATISSE® will bring your lashes back to the full and thick look they had while you were applying the product.

I Want to Start Using LATISSE®!

Contact the Appearance Care Center™ today to ask about getting your LATISSE® prescription! During your consultation, we will evaluate your eyelashes as well as your medical history to determine if LATISSE® is right for you. We will also cover the best way to apply LATISSE® to avoid irritations and experience maximum results. Book your consultation by calling us at (415) 567-7200 or completing our contact us now form here.

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